
The Dance of Love

Today is not the day I want to go for a walk to the graveyard, not after the last couple months I have had. But I am...going that see the place of rest for both my parents.

Not a day goes by that I do not miss them. This is for you Mom and Dad

The Dance of Love
picture taken 1982, Dad was in his sixties, and Mom in her fifties.

Lookin' back on the memories of the dance of love my parents shared-For a moment, all the world was right, but then the sadness hit, again, and the pain came in waves.

The dance began a long time ago, loving each other through the years, you knew when to lead and when to follow, you knew when to lean and when to be strong.

You stood as one- no matter what the world brought your way, and held each others hand- in the dance of love.
You knew that it would not always be easy, that pain and suffering would come- but you never let go- let go of the dance of love.
You taught us and showed us what loved looked like- you danced everyday- the dance of love.
You laughed, and cried, moved slow, and fast- you knew all the steps- the dance of love.

No one else heard the music at times, but that never stopped you- you danced anyway- you danced the dance of love.
And now you dance again Mom and Dad, where ever you are...the last dance, that never ends...
And as I visit the place where you rest...I will dance---the dance of love.

~your baby girl~