

tilly rivers

We can all dwell on what we conceive to be as unfair in life. Let the power of that misery eat and absorb who we are until we no longer feel or even resemble the person we were once. We can all sit and let that anger, that bitterness of why me, filter into every pore, every fiber of us until we are comforted in our misery, in our pain.Until we are justified within ourselves to feel the way we do. Until we no longer see anything, or anyone without first seeing the ugliness.

Anger, sadness, negative emotions and thoughts will never get me what and where I want, but following my own path will -Challenges lead to positive results. I have learned that by nurturing love and it will nurture me.

I believe that if you behave in the goodness of the universal energy and treat those around you with sincerity and kindness a path will be marked with the success of what is right. I AM ME. I will NOT be taken down a path that does not belong to me.

How easy is it to give up? To give in? To let the negative parts of life win.
Why? Why do we let fear eat us alive until we no longer become who and what we are?


Perfection is not in what is perfect, it's in the imperfections-reality-truth

It is obstacles defeated, mars of the body, dents in the soul

Perfection is in the ability to see above,beyond and over, what others may view as damaged

Perfect to me is being real, true to yourself, not about image

Not about the illusion of what you want to show-Not about the perfect face, the careful mask

The flawless make up

Perfect is about the courage to be confident with every scar showing