
Focus and Goals

I have recently begun a quest regarding focus and goals. With the winding down of yet another year I have a tendency to reflect- decide what was right, and what was wrong.

Balance would be good for me- it was either very very right, or very very wrong- smiles- hmmm- giggles-I guess that was balance- opposite ends of the extreme scale.

So what are the changes...the focus?

I have made a decision to stop writing, at least in the fashion that most are use to seeing from me. The erotica section of my life has a “closed” sign posted on it. That and modelling, the truth is I am having more fun being behind a camera then in front these days. I am, in fact, having a serious love affair with my camera.

My law course will be completed soon, I have this term and one more to complete and that will be done. What shall I use it for? *shrugs shoulders* what will be will be...

Rain Enterprises is downsizing, we are winding downsizing some sections of the organization while adding a new adventure; The RavenLily Group in the new year.

I will continue to focus on my health, and do what it takes to be healthy, add some more trips to the gym, meditate and yoga. Super-size my emotional, mental and spiritual self as well.- Trust me, that takes a lot of focus- giggles- me and normal don't work for the most part- but that is just part of who I am.

I have taken up rereading the classics. My Mom read them to me when I was young, and I find peace and comfort in the memories. I just finished “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Samuel Clements-aka Mark Twain.

I have the new kobo electronic reader, and I highly recommend it. I was not sure if I would like it, I am old school when it comes to books and reading- I read upside down in bed, in the bath- that sort of thing, I like intimate “reading”- and I find to my delight that I can do that with the kobo.

Focusing and renewing my walk as a Naturalist is important to me. I have written a teaching book about Naturalism, a project that is personal- not for retail.

It will be fun to do more interviews and go to more events for MSM. It is always exciting to learn about new people and be invited to share their passions.

So, yes, my life is still very full, but I am going to take more moments for me, I have lost a part of me, so many times I get caught up in 'things' that I forget to just laugh- love and be. For truly that is who I am.

So until the next entry... blessed be my friends, kisses on the wings of the wind to thee-from me!